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Logitech B100: An Optical Mouse That Works With Linux Mint

Logitch B100 (USB-Powered) Optical Mouse and ASUS E510MA Laptop Computer Running Linux Mint

Since I began my Linux adventure, I have discovered it can be hard to find compatible hardware. Items that plug into your computer and work out of the box on Windows computers often don’t work at all on my computer’s Linux Mint operating system.

Sometimes I have been able to find drivers. Other times I have not.

Anyway, if you are presently looking for a wired, optical mouse that works with Linux Mint, I can recommend the Logitech B100. It works fine for me so it should work for you too if your computer is running Linux Mint. The chances are the Logitech B100 mouse will work on many other Linux systems too, especially Ubuntu.

In my case, I plugged the mouse into the USB port on my computer and it worked straight out of the box. If only it were so easy with other pieces of hardware.