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Further Proof Linux & Toshiba Satellites Are Not a Good Mix

I recently wrote a post that mentions the problems I am having running Linux Mint on my Toshiba Satellite. Last night I recevied further proof it’s not an easy mix.

My troubles began when my computer froze. It happened out of the blue. One minute everything was fine, the next I couldn’t move the cursor or get any response from any of the keys. This has happened before and I did the same last night as I always do. I switched off the computer.

This time it was different. My Toshiba would not reboot.

Linux Boot Problem on Toshiba Satellite

I tried checking a few forum posts for advice but, in the end, it was easier to do a fresh install.

I have a lot of problems running Linux Mint on my Toshiba Satellite so I thought I’d try intalling Ubuntu. I have it installed inside a virtual machine running on my ASUS laptop. It works fine so I tried to do an install on the Toshiba using the same image.

The DVD would not load the installer. All I got was a black screen.

So I tried installing several other Linux distros including Zorin and Linux Lite. None of them would install.

When I tried Debian, it was installing okay but required additional drivers. As a Linux newbie, this was over my head, so I called it a day and did a fresh install of Mint instead.

The more experience I have with my Toshiba Satellite, the less I like it. The next time I buy a new laptop, I’m going to try and get a Lenovo or a Dell instead. Or possibly a HP. I have friend who works in IT. She tells me she’s not impressed by Toshiba computers either but reccomends Lenovo, Dell, and HP.