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Does Sony Action Cam Work With Linux Mint?

Sony Action Cam in Front of an ASUS Laptop Running Linux Mint

I’ve noticed some hardware works fine with Linux Mint and some does not. In a few cases I’ve had driver issues I couldn’t resolve.

Fortunately, my Sony Action Cam works fine out of the box. So, if you are wondering if Sony Action Cam is compatible with Linux Mint, the answer is yes.

Sony has a special software it likes you to use but don’t like it. Nor is there any need to use it. The Pix image management software that’s part of the standard Linux Mint intstall works fine with Sony Action Cam. Don’t worry, it Pix doesn’t only import images. It imports videos as well.

However, if you select the option to delete the files on the camara after you have imported them, you get an error message. If you don’t put a tick in the box it works like a charm.

Of course, that still leaves you with the problem of how to delete the media files on your Sony Action Cam. I have that problem when I was using my Sony Action Cam with Windows too.

In an Ideal world, you’d be able to just delete them via the camara. Sony doesn’t provide this option though.

Again, Linux Mint makes it easy. There’s a USB formatting tool incuded as a standard application. It’s called USB Stick Formatter.

The standard format option is FAT32. That’s what you want, so there is nothing to change but you will need to select the correct option in the drop-down menu next to “Volume.”

Linux USB Stick Formatter

Be very careful not to format the camara.You should recognize it okay because it’s only around 22 MB.

Im using a 16 GB memory card in my camera. If you know the size of you memory card, it’s pretty hard to go wrong.

You also have the option of providing a volume label. It’s not really that important. You can use anything you want. I went with “Memory Card.”

By the way, the formattting process is really fast. In my case, it was done and dusted in just a few seconds.